Sunday 10 April 2016

Mr Vaughan

The Wyrms Turn

Three halfing brothers, pictured here as youngsters as I was developing backstory etc. These were to be the main characters in a comic series as part of a personal project.

Riddle Me This.

The Riddler

Puppy P*** Productions.

This illustration was for a mock tv production company.


Years back I was an avid reader of the Slaine comics. Here was my take on Ukko.

Orc Warrior

This was a submission to Games Workshop for a trainee artist position, 
they needed just a series of line drawings of character types.

Cave Creature

The Thundlegrut.  Not to be confused with the lesser spotted variety.

The Sidhe

  Having a love of Celtic mythology, I dabbled in some concepts of The Sidhe which are a race of  supernatural beings found in Irish and Scottish myths.  The geezer on the far left was a concept for one of The Formorians which were originally portrayed as sea or underworld beings, later giants.

Neanderthal II

Return of the Attack of the Monobrow.

Neanderthal I

Attack of the Monobrow.


...with a troublesome wisdom tooth
and a nasty taste in his mouth.

The Black Moor Worry Fish

(Carassius auratus sollicitus)
I once owned two fish who were the inspiration for this.  The real fish were far uglier than this pair so I chose to lose the bug-eyed look of my real pets in favour of this more fashionable rabbit-in-headlights look.

Sketches from the Past: Cthulhu Rising

Heres a little picture I drew one dark sultry night in Merthyr Tydfil. I was fresh from the arms of a comely maiden and too troubled to sleep.